M2Original – A Passion For Art and More


M2Original is pursuing his passion as a local artist. We first met Michael at a cruise-in and succeeding car shows, so our common interest of cars brought us together. An artist’s ability to draw makes me a bit envious. I am a little embarrassed to say that I find it hard to even draw a straight line with a ruler, and don’t even make me pick up that compass thing.

M2Original seeks to improve his skills while also achieving other goals. This guy is willing to help others. You can feel the genuine concern for someone’s welfare when he speaks.

“The soul of an artist cannot be muted indefinitely. It must either be expressed or it will consume the host.”

Gerard de Marigny, Rise to the Call

The Connection

M2Original has an uncanny talent of being able to listen and give input in ways I don’t perceive. For instance, one day I went online and I see my wife’s face and mine tagged with these words The Velocitaters. This took me by complete surprise, as I was not expecting a drawing of myself on my social media. I had not perceived myself as a Velocitater until that moment. I always viewed others as the Velocitaters. Perception can be eye opening. Down the line, Michael gave me the basis for my site’s tagline.


I hope to be collaborating more with M2Original in the future. We are leaving the door open to allow for the best way to mesh things. Let us keep looking to the near future while moving forward to reach our goals and objectives.

In the meantime, you should check out his website especially The Lo-cal Series. You can stop over at Twitter and give him a follow. Of course, if you have Instagram you can find him there as well. In addition to those, you can even pop over and check out his SoundCloud tracks.